Take Flight is not only up and going, we’re up and growing! With a second Diamond DA42NG on site and a second brand new DA40NG scheduled for delivery soon, our fleet continues to evolve into the finest anywhere. We also are increasing the number of flight instructors on staff with the addition of some truly brilliant and motivated CFI’s to our already outstanding team.
Of course, all of this is worthless if we can’t help keep you as safe as possible for the Coronavirus, so Take Flight Aviation has developed an industry leading set of safety guidelines that have continuously met or exceeded CDC guidelines. Over the past month, we’ve had zero incidences of Coronavirus spread through contact at Take Flight Aviation. With the continued strict adherence to our policies by our staff and clients, we can continue this precedence with confidence. Give us a call to learn more about the steps we are taking to keep everyone safe.
Our schedules are streamlined with fewer clients assigned to each instructor – and students no longer are being shared by multiple instructors. If you would like to resume your training at Take Flight Aviation – please contact Ryan directly at 845-457-4188 to initiate the process. Schedules are filling quickly and we want to ensure you get back in and can secure the days and times you desire, so scheduling ahead is definitely advisable. Walk-ins unfortunately cannot be accommodated during this time – please call ahead.
Take Flight has a big enough fleet to welcome renters. There’s no better way to get around by air right now than in a private aircraft.