Our full-time accelerated Professional Pilot Training Program is designed to be completed in six to nine months – setting you up to become a working flight instructor (with an interview at Take Flight) and building enough flight experience to be airline-ready in just over a year from graduation. That means that within two years, you can easily have a six-figure salary flying jets!
Take Flight Aviation has a one-of-a-kind FAA-Approved Part 141 program that ensures your success with highly structured one-on-one training. Our fleet of state-of-the-art Diamond Aircraft are maintained in-house by a highly-skilled staff of full-time A&P mechanics. Our Instructors are selected for their ability to teach effectively and create a safe, efficient, and enjoyable learning environment.
Our leadership and management team includes dedicated schedulers, who build your entire training schedule for each license at the beginning of your training – meaning you never have to worry about having a lesson or aircraft scheduled. We work with a large team of FAA Designated Examiners, ensuring you’re able to take your Practical Exam as soon as you finish each course.
Take Flight Aviation is based just north of the New York metropolitan area in quiet airspace that is a short flight to the same busy airspace you will spend your career flying in – allowing for efficient, real-world training. Financing is available for qualified individuals. Give us a call to learn more.
If you would like to book an appointment for an in person or online meeting please click here
If you’re as serious about flying as we are – give us a call. Take Flight Aviation can make it happen for you!