We can do this with your help!!!
On behalf of all of us here at Take Flight Aviation, I have a favor to ask.
Each year the Aircraft and Pilots Association (AOPA) offers a Flight Training Experience Survey that allows clients of flight schools to rate their school and nominate them for a Flight Training Experience Award and a National Ranking.
We would most appreciate your nomination by filling out their poll, which can be found at: https://aopa.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5aI3TTccPsRwyHP
The AOPA site in the link above guides you to will ask for your email address, and then they will allow you to complete the survey.
If for some reason there is something you aren’t satisfied with or feel we could do better, please contact me directly so we can remedy the situation. Take Flight is dedicated to providing not only the best Flight Training, but the best Light General Aviation experience!
Many thanks for your patronage and thank you in advance for your nomination.
Ryan J. Mayo
Take Flight Aviation, LLC