Instrument Rating Training

To take part in this training, you must meet a series of requirements including a private pilot certificate, a specified number of flight hours 

With our Red Bird FMX Full Motion Flight Simulator you can log 20 hours of your flight time with an instructor towards your instrument rating.  This provides you with a substantial savings over other ways to train to obtain your instrument rating.

To obtain your Instrument-Airplane rating you will complete the following at Take Flight:

  • A distance of at least 250 nm along airways or ATC-directed routing.

  • An instrument approach at each airport.

  • Three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems (Example: ILS, VOR, GPS, etc).

  • At least 3 hours of instrument training that is appropriate to the instrument rating sought from an authorized instructor in preparation for the checkride within two calendar months before 
    the examination date.