Get the 7 Licenses & Ratings you need to become an Employable Professional Pilot
One Price. Fly Now, Pay Later with Meritize Financing for those who qualify.
Have you been considering flight training at one of the pilot mills that brag about how they can fast track you to being a pilot in as little as 9 months for 80K?
Let’s clear something up – It doesn’t work like that. Most “fast track” flight academy programs offer you only your Private, Instrument and Commercial…and maybe your initial CFI. Take Flight Aviation offers you all 7 Licenses and Ratings you need to get your career on track.
We have heard the horror stories of what happens at the pilot mill schools from many clients transferring into our programs from those places. From broken promises that require additional loans for program completion, to having to teach yourself everything while dealing with chronically broken airplanes or outrageous high hourly fees when you go beyond the bare minimums their cost estimates represent – it all happens at the pilot mills daily. That’s probably why the largest of them currently is sporting an F rating by the Better Business Bureau.
Take Flight Aviation offers a very transparent approach to flight training – we call it our Flat Rate Professional Pilot Program.
Here’s the deal; you earn the following 7 licenses and ratings at one of the top rated flight schools in the country:
- Private Pilot
- Instrument
- Commercial Single Engine
- Commercial Multi Engine
- Certified Flight Instructor
- Certified Flight Instructor Instrument
- Multi Engine Flight Instructor
You’re not getting all of those ratings at the pilot mills for 80K – in fact, we don’t know of any reputable program that offers you more for less (try to find the real numbers elsewhere…it’s almost impossible until you’ve spent it). Take Flight Aviation offers you these ratings in modern Diamond Aircraft, with modern avionics that are maintained in house at our Factory Authorized Service Center. We utilize proprietary training programs and highly regarded Jeppesen Texts that you can access anytime to study.
Our instructional staff represents some of the best teachers of aviation subject matter anywhere…not just time builders like you often find at the pilot mills. Think you can’t afford it? Think again. Those who wish to become a professional pilot and want to train intensively may qualify for the Meritize Finance program. This program allows you to pay nothing until you start working, and even then payments are linked to whether you are working as a flight instructor as an airline pilot. Click here to check out how the Meritize program works: https://www.takeflightoc.com/professional-pilot-financing/
Take Flight Aviation is ready to get your career off the ground. 7 licenses and ratings..inside of a year for one flat rate. We tend to hire those that we train in our programs to work as Instructors with us…not answer phones or wash airplanes. We build and employ professionals.