What makes our Part 141 Commercial Program so special? Simple – it is designed for today’s professional flying environment. Unlike most Part 141 Programs, this is not the program your father took 30 years ago. We start by using our state-of-the-art Diamond DA40, DA40NG and DA42NG aircraft – all with modern G1000 avionics. We talked at length with Airline and Corporate Flight Department Check Airmen who consistently complained that new pilots were failing out of training due to their inability to operate effectively in a glass cockpit environment….so we developed a program to work with some of the most advanced glass cockpits in the training realm.
Of course, technology is only good if you know what to do with it…and you’re not going to get far if you are simply flying Chandelle’s and Lazy 8’s all day (although we’ll teach you how to do them and do them well also). We focus on getting you out flying in the National Airspace system – allowing you to refine your instrument skills while flying routes carefully selected to maximize the benefits of flying in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. You are not just flying aimlessly around the countryside, but instead spending a combination of time working with your CFI and flying solo on flights where real world weather and ATC re-routes are likely – making advanced avionics management second nature.
We are one of the few 141 operators that also built multi engine commercial training right into our program…without costing you a fortune. If you were to earn your Commercial Multi in a Part 141 Commercial Single/Multi Engine combination Initial program; you would need to spend 50 hours flying a twin – a very costly venture. At Take Flight, you get 12 hours of training in our fleet of Diamond DA42NG’s and take the Multi Commercial add on check ride in a Part 61 environment – saving you time and money. Financing is available through Meritize Financial for those who qualify. https://www.takeflightoc.com/professional-pilot-financing/