You can now earn your Multi Engine Add-On Rating in the Diamond DA62 six seat, twin engine aircraft that all the aviation publications are raving about. Put Take Flight Aviation’s extensive experience with Diamond Aircraft to work for you. Our multi engine training program in the DA62 has been featured in Flying magazine and represents a one-of-a-kind, efficient, and accelerated approach to earning your Multi Engine Rating. You can read about it here: https://www.flyingmag.com/story/aircraft/we-fly-diamond-da62/
Training in the DA62 offers you the ultimate try before you buy experience. You can experience the simplicity and efficiency of the FADEC controlled Austro power and the refined handling of the Diamond airframe. With a range of over 1200 nm and a cruise speed at 75% power of 171 knots, the DA62 is designed to get you where you’re going, comfortably and in style. While facts and pictures are great, there is simply no better way to learn about the DA62 than to train in it.
Give us a call to email to get started!